Teen ink writing contest | Teen Ink

Teen ink writing contest

October 25, 2013
By Johnboy2014 BRONZE, Honorable, Alabama
Johnboy2014 BRONZE, Honorable, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Essay for teen ink contest

Rebecca s is she of the meanest most vile, Angriest creatures in all of the world. She is also one of the most loving, caring, and responsible teachers I know. She makes teens cry with her grueling work that seems to never end but it's only bc she cares. She helps us with college all on her own and takes care of us, and it's bc of her I will be attending Troy university after I graduate fm high school.
Ms sims is one of the the most helpful teachers on our small campus. She basically does our counselors job for her, all the while teaching her students about the college experience and preparing us for college with her unrelenting work. She gives literally pounds of work and if anyone is to complain her response is a smile and a simple phrase "welcome to sims world." Sims also helps run and and teachers The after school program for the elementary school children, where her son and daughter also attend.
Ms. Sims pushes all of us to write essays for college. She is always pushing her students to be prepared for after school. Even if we don't go to college she wants us to have a plan of action for the future. She even prepares us for the military being an x-marine herself she knows quite a bit about it and the experiences you will have in the military. She also makes the entire junior class take the ASVAB every year, and calling recruiters.
Even though she yells a lot,Piles on her work, and can sometimes be known to not give a care a few times if you can't do something. She is still one of the best teachers in the school, or even still the state of Alabama. She is an excellent instructor, a great mother, and a far greater person than people may go on to believe. She cares the sophomores, teachers the juniors, and nearly kills the seniors, but it's only because she's one of the very few teachers I know of that actually still care about her students.

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