Roxas | Teen Ink


January 22, 2011
By Anime_Rocker_549 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
Anime_Rocker_549 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
2 articles 7 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
Some people are like slinkies, they are pretty much useless but can't help but laugh when they tumble down the stairs.

Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2. This is from the opening when he's looking up at the doves flying away :3 favorite opening.

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This art has 4 comments.

on Sep. 25 2014 at 11:17 am
AvengeMyBrokenSong GOLD, WHOOP, New York
18 articles 0 photos 83 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It takes more strength to cry at mid-defeat."
-Susan Boyle
"The closer you get to the light, the bigger your shadow becomes."
-Kingdom Hearts

Toxas is totally my bae.....beautiful job^-^

on Jun. 11 2011 at 5:45 pm
El_Fantom BRONZE, Naples, Florida
2 articles 13 photos 45 comments
I think you really showed how sad he was in this picture.

on Mar. 10 2011 at 3:53 pm
Oorah_Alchemist, Bluffton, South Carolina
0 articles 6 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
Standing between us and evil.He'll defend to the very last shell.Carnage all around but still unflinching gun blazing as he fell.The brave soldier once at Heavens gate Yells out."One more soldier reporting sir,and I believe I've served enough time in hell.

Awesome Job. I love the way you captured Roxas. Keep drawing?

DragonLovah said...
on Feb. 23 2011 at 8:50 pm
DragonLovah, Portage, Michigan
0 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

I love Roxas(: that's a really good picture of him. I love how the shading is so soft... and the hair is awesome! Love it(: