The Meanest Flower | Teen Ink

The Meanest Flower

August 13, 2012
By Angelfishing BRONZE, Madison, South Dakota
Angelfishing BRONZE, Madison, South Dakota
1 article 30 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"At judgment day every man will have to give account for every good thing which he might have enjoyed and did not." Jerusalem Kiddushin, 66d

"To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears"
--Wordsworth in Intimations of Immortality.

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This art has 3 comments.

on Oct. 8 2012 at 3:44 pm
Novelist123 BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
3 articles 7 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dreams, goals, ambitions - these are the stuff man uses for fuel."
L. Ron Hubbard
US author & science fiction novelist (1911 - 1986)


on Sep. 30 2012 at 12:31 am
stupendousman BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
2 articles 13 photos 182 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hey, guys, if there's no wind, there's nothing to blow the leaves around." - from "Sons of Provo"
"Tough times never last, but tough people do"
"the best things in life aren't things"

This is beautiful! i'm not sure i understand it, but i like it.

klong1028 said...
on Sep. 21 2012 at 9:17 am
This picture is very good. The color choices and the picture itself it's just amazing and really neat.