Her Death, Her Vices | Teen Ink

Her Death, Her Vices

September 21, 2010
By FreemanCloe BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
FreemanCloe BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Nature always wears the color of the spirit"- Emerson
" It can't rain all the time"- Heath Ledger( the crow)

Josh Birmingham worked as a Para-legal investigator, in New York City. His middle class life style was hard to work with; especially when he was only making about twelve dollars an hour. One day he walked into a coffee shop on his lunch break and saw a woman that captured his eye and would alter his life forever.

Her name was Jacqueline Dolce. As she batted her eyelashes at him, Josh immediately felt compelled to ask Jacqueline out on a date. Why with a girl like her on his side nobody would dare think about his middle class status. When she agreed to a date, he told her that he would pick her up at six thirty that night.

That night they went to a restaurant in the heart of New York City, Le Cirque. They sat hours and hours discussing each other’s life styles and past events. The more Josh got to know Jacqueline, the more the thought of marriage pressed against his mind. After telling his friends what a girl he found, they explained “that anybody would be delighted to marry a woman of her standards and that he shouldn’t for one minute deny the thought of marriage”. So it was final, Josh gathered the courage to ask Jacqueline to take his hand in marriage the week after their first date.

Living together was the easy part. Although they had little money, Jacqueline always found a way to fix everything up so that it looked as though they had all the money in the world. However, Jacqueline was barely home. Josh asked her at one point “where are you all day?” she just simply replied “Oh I was shopping and working all day long”. “Girls do shop a lot don’t they?” he thought, and he let it go. He began to see more and more expensive handbags and jewelry that was much too expensive for Jacqueline with her measly coffee shop job. She would come home every single night from “work” and have something new to show Josh.

One night Josh and Jacqueline actually the chance to go to a movie and prior to that movie Jacqueline decided to cover her husband in her jewels and handbags and hats, they laughed and he just thought it was some just her innocent female mind. On the way to the movie Jacqueline went to cross the street with Josh when she got her heel stuck in a pothole. When Josh tried to save her a truck was heading right toward them and he jumped out of the way. When he looked up all he saw was her body laying life less on the cement. He knew it, she was dead.

The next few months were terrible for him. He felt as though it was his fault. He was barely going to work or even eating. One day when he wasn’t as sad as normal he walked into Jacqueline’s closet and began to touch her fur coats and gold jewelry. He never told her but he assumed that all the jewelry and handbags that she was buying were knock-offs, but he never wanted to get her hopes down. After discovering a piece of paper in one of her handbags that read “I really hope you enjoy this! I had a great time with you tonight and I hope to see your beautiful face again really soon”. Josh didn’t know what to think. He was absolutely furious! How could she, the one he loved so dearly, the one who loved him so dearly betray him in such a way as this.

Out of curiosity Josh went to the jewelry store where he discovered that the jewelry had been purchased at that store but certainly not by Jacqueline. Once it was confirmed Josh wanted nothing to do with this reminder of the pain he never knew he had. He sold all the jewelry that was in her closet back to where it came from. He gained about a quarter of a million dollars that day and was never a middle class man again.

For the first couple weeks of his new high class life style he went to clubs and wasted his money on prostitutes and alcohol. After a few nights at the club he met a woman with a beautiful face and personality whom he married on impulse the next week. After they eloped he discovered that this woman wasn’t as nice as she seemed to be and she made the rest of his life miserable.

The author's comments:
What you really want out of life may make you more miserable than when you had nothing. You were happier not knowing what was happening.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 21 2010 at 8:56 pm
unlike-azazual SILVER, Navarre, Florida
5 articles 6 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
all of a sudden a distant voice became lound and when i was conviced it was the devils tounge cerassing my ear it turned out to be the musical voice of an angel.

i love the bluntness it holds... great job...;)