Claire de Lune | Teen Ink

Claire de Lune

October 18, 2010
By charlottegirl BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
charlottegirl BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
2 articles 8 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I believe in pink. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot...I believe that the happiest girls are the prettiest girls." -Audrey Hephburn

Her days and nights were spent wistfully reminiscing times spent with him; his thoughts filled with her lovely doe-like eyes. Though they were in love, they went about it intelligently, accepting the irreversible distance between their persons. As distance makes the heart grow fonder, love swelled between the two in their plentiful daydreams.

He thought of her as his most special object; his goal was solely to protect her from harm. When they finally reappeared in each other’s arms, he tucked her close against his warm chest, and smelled her hair, smiling in the fragrant scents of her shampoo and flowery perfume. As she moved her delicate, white fingers along his arms, her eyes turned toward his and then flashed a pearly smile in his direction. His stomach performed flips as she did this, and he could not help but hug her more tightly against him.

She, naturally, loved his reaction, and reveled in the secure embrace that brought her against his warm frame. His tanned arms flexed as they held her smaller ones, and she loved feeling the shelter of his grasp. She could have spent all of eternity wrapped against him, feeling his heart beat and seeing his dark, sienna-colored eyes look into her own.

That one day had been such perfection, with the sunlight streaming through the healthy green leaves of the trees that towered overhead. She had hurried down the muddy slope towards the meandering creek below, her laugh tinkling like a wind chime as it was caught in the breeze.

He could only watch with fear for her safety, and held her hand in earnest to prevent the fragile form he loved from sliding down the slippery slope. He could not help but be surprised at the firmness of her grip as she pulled him along, eager for the wonderful gurgling of the cold water in her ears and the earthy smell of the bank alongside it.

He saw her as a deer; she hopped gracefully from spot to spot with an inner compass preventing her from making a blunder on a wet leaf and hurting herself. Of course, he was still unconvinced, and held her palm firmly as she climbed down to a patch of dirt next to the creek.

They could feel the cool wind refreshing their cheeks as they sat down on the damp earth, and the sound of water rushing below their overlook relaxed the scene. He slipped his hand in the crook of her waist, and she innocently set her head on his shoulder. The pair talked softly to each other, occasionally sharing a gentle kiss in moments of intense affection. But the golden light cast upon the plants was making her fatigued, and she became mesmerized by the crystal reflections upon the water’s surface. The absolute seclusion they shared made her sigh quietly with euphoria.

He felt her melt against him, and he pulled her slowly back into his arms so they were lying on the ground. She moved onto his masculine body, fitting her curves against him so that she could hug him with her entire frame. Their conversation died off as the two became caught in the beauty of the moment.

His heart fluttered when he watched her eyelids drop lower and lower as she relaxed and fell into a slumber of sorts. Really, she just wanted to close her eyes and remember this moment forever. Lying by the creek, she felt as though she would never really leave him, but somewhere, in some alternate universe, they would always be together, just like this. No words necessary, no hot, passionate form of love necessary, just an eternity of this wonderful closeness to him.

He felt the same, though with a fear of the end. He could not bear to leave this place, or worse, to revisit it without her. The ground would not be as soft without her touch, the wind harsher and more biting, the shadows along the bank more ominous. Her cheerful countenance kept his spirit high like a glass of whisky might; he felt warm and intoxicated in her presence.

But the time came that they must turn back, and as she rose upward, he stayed below for a moment, admiring her curvy figure and the dainty hands that reached for his. As he, in turn, stood, she watched and loved the way his curls were arranged on his forehead, and his wide, beaming smile at her as he towered over her in height.

She began to climb, more slowly this time, up the hill, taking more care not to fall when she reached the red clay and passed it in time. He stood directly behind her, like a prince might do to protect his beloved. They wandered back to the house above, taking their time, not wanting to leave.

With one final glance backward they viewed the creek, that mystical source of nature that captured the pureness of their companionship, and the each slipped their fingers between the others; they disappeared away back into reality, with her golden head still resting on his all-too welcome shoulder.

The author's comments:
"At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet." - Plato

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 25 2010 at 1:08 am
Robsessed PLATINUM, McKinney, Texas
23 articles 1 photo 199 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I may be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it." - Maya Angelou

"Did you know 'I told you so' has a brother, Jacob?" she asked cutting me off. "His name is 'Shut the hell up.'" - Bella Swan, Breaking Dawn

OMG I absolutely loved this. You write very well.

Question: At the end when you said they disappeared, is that suppossed to be something supernatural or are you just referring to the fact that they have to go back to the "real world"?

on Oct. 24 2010 at 9:43 pm
Jellybean9898 PLATINUM, Glendale, California
34 articles 0 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When nothing goes right, go left"-Anonymous
"Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste to the sky as well as the Earth"-Henry David Thoreau

really very sweet.  unlike most romance stories on teenink, this one ended happily.  and i liked that about it :)