The Angel | Teen Ink

The Angel

July 14, 2010
By iluvnacho PLATINUM, Somewhere, Colorado
iluvnacho PLATINUM, Somewhere, Colorado
28 articles 1 photo 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"Find the beauty in the ugly\"-Jason Mraz 5-19-10
\"Be kinder than nessicary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.\" Unknown 11-29-10

They bring me to a lighted chamber, the walls carved. I feel Zach's shoulder guiding me towards a wooden door, hand not clutching my shoulder, but firm and gentle. We all stopped in front of the wooden door, almost as tall as Amancio. I gulp.
Zach softly nudges me forward, expecting me to knock.
"Don't worry, the Angel knows all," Zach reassures in a whisper.
"Yeah, and she's never killed anybody," Unique chirps. The light flickers as Terrelle lightly pushed her in annoyance.
"Go on," Amancio encourages. Steadily, I knock on the wooden door.
"Come in," a soft voice answers through the wooden beams. I twist the cold door knob and walk in. The door shuts on it's own.
For a moment, I'm blinded by light. The room I'm in has a stone floor with a flickering firplace to the right. If that didn't give enough light, torches are mounted in every corner. As I take in the small warm room, I see her.
She is probably one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. No, she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her dark choclate eyes are framed by long black lashes. Her midnight black hair glistens in the firelight as she gives me an incandesent smile. She walks over to me, her slender model body moving in grace. I'm not frieghtened when she evolopes her hand with my own.
"Welcome, Josephine," the Angel says to me, her big white wings now flapping into view.
"Whoa!" I studder, stumbling back. The Angel laughs, which is like the sound of chimes. She offers an olive-toned hand to me, still smiling.
"I'm sure you are wondering where you are," the Angel says to me, leading me to a chair, walking backwards while doing so.
"Yes. I am. Did I die?" I ask, my mind thirsting for knowledge. Once again, the Angel laughs her chime- like laugh.
"Oh no, you didn't die. I'm actually surprised you and your siblings survived the fall." My eyes widen and I quickly stand up.
"Where's my brother and sisters!?" I demand, angered. The Angel's expression falls for a moment, worried.
"Please, Jo, I assure they are safe. Please, don't worry." The Angel begged. How could I not trust her? I reluctantly sit down, biting my lip. The shriek of steam makes me jump.
"Oh, the tea is ready!" The Angel perked, getting up. I screamed in horror once I see her back.
The wings aren't just magically there. In between her shoulder blades, there is dried blood and the outline of stitches, gripping her skin malicously. Near the bottom of the wings, it is the color of scarlet. The Angel freezes, realizing her mistake.
"I think it would be best if they lead you to your siblings," The Angel sadly says, wings slightly trembling."I'm sorry I frieghtened you." As soon as she says the words, I am out of the chair and up against the door, shaking myself.
"It's fine," I faintly answer."I'm just going to go and maybe next time, we can have tea....?" The Angel hopefully looks at me, brown eyes shimmering.
"I'd like that." I nod my head and escape the Angel who has been suffering.

The author's comments:
I was reading Gregor The Overlander when this came to me.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 8 2010 at 7:22 am
iluvnacho PLATINUM, Somewhere, Colorado
28 articles 1 photo 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"Find the beauty in the ugly\"-Jason Mraz 5-19-10
\"Be kinder than nessicary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.\" Unknown 11-29-10

awww! well thank you. I'm not really sure where I got the tea from, I just wanted the angel to be very friendly....and tea was the best thing i came up with! but thank you for viewing this! it means so much! :)

on Sep. 7 2010 at 4:04 pm
NeverCaredForKool-Aid GOLD, Elkridge, Maryland
13 articles 0 photos 531 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't believe in hell but I believe in my parent's couch-- Watsky

I like this :)  I don't feel like this is a full story, but it could be a good part of one.  The beginning didn't feel very introductory, there was no exposition in this, it sort of felt like a clip from the middle of a story.  There was not much of a character built, I mean, you know she fell and her brothers and sisters are alive but missing, but besides that, there's nothing about this girl.  I liked the descriptions of everything, though.  Especially the angel, that was very good :).

I didn't like the 'tea' part though.  I understand that you needed the girl to see the back of the angel, but you could have done it in a better way.  The whole concept of tea doesn't really fit into your atmosphere, it was very surreal and wondress before the tea, but the tea kind of ruined that.

Anway, I did like this very, very much.  I stuck between 4 and 5 stars... oh, if it weren't for that tea!