The Minotaur | Teen Ink

The Minotaur

November 25, 2010
By _Mags_ SILVER, Somewhere, North Carolina
_Mags_ SILVER, Somewhere, North Carolina
9 articles 7 photos 436 comments

Favorite Quote:
- I stare danger in the face and giggle
- Never argue with an idiot, people might not know the difference
-R.A.P (Retards Attempting Poetry)
-Tip Cologne ryhmes with alone

I will never be free. My fingers scarped the soft wall of ivy beside me. Nowadays it’s the only thing I see except for the burning sun and endless blue sky. I craved freedom. I would gladly give up everything for it. And yet I know it will never happen. To them I am a monster. The Minotaur. They will never understand what I really am.

I walked in the endless paths of the labyrinth knowing I would just see dead ends. The sun is hot on my face and the warm breeze makes it hard to breathe. I looked up, squinting to see the sun. I breathed a sigh of relief, and frustration.

I could hear something cackle behind me. I ignored it; there were countless bugs and animals in the labyrinth. I turned my head towards the sound, a bright glowing disk still consuming my vision. I barely even noticed the ball of yarn flying past me like a spear.

A voice circled around me like a mist. Some words were foreign, others strikingly familiar. I could only make out the shadow of a man with a gleaming, blistering sword clenched inside his hand. And then, like a lens, the world cleared. A face as hard as marble with an ancient scowl crossing his face. I flinched away instantly, holding my hairy hands up in surrender.

“The Minotaur?” The man sneered, his voice reeking with venom. “My name is Theseus,” he went on. A smug smile curled around Theseus’s chin, showing me teeth that should have belonged in the River Styx.

“I’m not going to fight you,” I said slowly, surprised that my voice came out normally.

Out of Theseus’s lungs came a hissing laugh. He lifted his sword, “We’ll see about that.” He leaped towards me, his face a foot above mine. The sword aimed for my throat. “You’ll wish you never said those words.”

“And I wish you had better breath,” I said without missing a beat.

He grunted, lodged the sword into my throat. Ice chips ran through my veins. But I didn’t fight back, there was nothing I could do. The tip of the blade was sharp against my bitter cold skin. When I breathed the cut grew deeper, dripping blood down to my shirt. I closed my eyes ever so slowly.

I could distantly hear Theseus laughing as he walked away. His bare feet slapping against the muddy grass and ivy. The wind whistled past him as he went, like drifting smoke.

My mind wandered inside the black universe. I let it swallow me whole. But it wasn’t black at all, it was purple. As purple as a newborn sunset. A brilliant, vibrant, alive purple. And I was floating inside it with no fear at all.

I am free.

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This article has 11 comments.

_Mags_ SILVER said...
on Dec. 2 2010 at 6:26 pm
_Mags_ SILVER, Somewhere, North Carolina
9 articles 7 photos 436 comments

Favorite Quote:
- I stare danger in the face and giggle
- Never argue with an idiot, people might not know the difference
-R.A.P (Retards Attempting Poetry)
-Tip Cologne ryhmes with alone

haha I know

on Dec. 2 2010 at 5:56 pm
TheRealAriel1995 PLATINUM, Highland Village, Texas
30 articles 6 photos 203 comments

Favorite Quote:
"See in what peace a Christian can die." - Joseph Addison
"How come everyone will come to your funeral, but nobody will come see you when you are living?"

i read the first chapter on my friends kindle. they have so many new characters!

_Mags_ SILVER said...
on Dec. 2 2010 at 3:20 pm
_Mags_ SILVER, Somewhere, North Carolina
9 articles 7 photos 436 comments

Favorite Quote:
- I stare danger in the face and giggle
- Never argue with an idiot, people might not know the difference
-R.A.P (Retards Attempting Poetry)
-Tip Cologne ryhmes with alone

thank you so much

on Dec. 2 2010 at 7:37 am
CrazyKid56 BRONZE, Fredericksburg, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 20 comments
I liked this story, because i like most of the Greek myths so, the title attracted me. Even if it wasn;t like the real myth, it was still a great story.

_Mags_ SILVER said...
on Dec. 1 2010 at 5:48 pm
_Mags_ SILVER, Somewhere, North Carolina
9 articles 7 photos 436 comments

Favorite Quote:
- I stare danger in the face and giggle
- Never argue with an idiot, people might not know the difference
-R.A.P (Retards Attempting Poetry)
-Tip Cologne ryhmes with alone

thanks, and yes the movie was horrible - but fo some reason i want to see the next one. And in the newest one percy is missing...

_Mags_ SILVER said...
on Dec. 1 2010 at 5:46 pm
_Mags_ SILVER, Somewhere, North Carolina
9 articles 7 photos 436 comments

Favorite Quote:
- I stare danger in the face and giggle
- Never argue with an idiot, people might not know the difference
-R.A.P (Retards Attempting Poetry)
-Tip Cologne ryhmes with alone

thank you, and it's always good to know that your writing isn't boring

on Dec. 1 2010 at 5:33 pm
MyConstRuctd_IdentiTy SILVER, Chardon, Ohio
7 articles 56 photos 356 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One heartbeat."

"Our scars remind us of where we've been; they don't dictate where we're going."
-SSA David Rossi, Criminal Minds

Wow. This is actually better than I thought it to be. I mean, reading the title, I would have thought that it was just another boring short story or something, but it actually kept me reading till the end.


And that, my dear friend, is a key concept in the art of writing.


Just keep on keeping on and keep on writing. :)

on Dec. 1 2010 at 5:33 pm
TheRealAriel1995 PLATINUM, Highland Village, Texas
30 articles 6 photos 203 comments

Favorite Quote:
"See in what peace a Christian can die." - Joseph Addison
"How come everyone will come to your funeral, but nobody will come see you when you are living?"

the movie was horrible. i love the books!! i've yet to read the newest one though. I absolutely love this. this is really good for all the reasons iluvancho listed. i love greek mythology, i'm probably going to be minoring it in college. Anyways, this is just so good!!

_Mags_ SILVER said...
on Dec. 1 2010 at 5:07 pm
_Mags_ SILVER, Somewhere, North Carolina
9 articles 7 photos 436 comments

Favorite Quote:
- I stare danger in the face and giggle
- Never argue with an idiot, people might not know the difference
-R.A.P (Retards Attempting Poetry)
-Tip Cologne ryhmes with alone

thank you :) and if you like greek things i suggest you read the percy jackson series if you haven't already (it's nothing like the movie, in a good way.)

on Dec. 1 2010 at 7:19 am
iluvnacho PLATINUM, Somewhere, Colorado
28 articles 1 photo 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"Find the beauty in the ugly\"-Jason Mraz 5-19-10
\"Be kinder than nessicary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.\" Unknown 11-29-10

I think it's really good for several reasons; you show the point of veiw from an "enemy", shining light on what it would be thinking; you used description, such as describing the sunset; and it was finally "free". It's sad, but still, I like it. Greek stuff is very cool. haha

_Mags_ SILVER said...
on Nov. 30 2010 at 5:37 pm
_Mags_ SILVER, Somewhere, North Carolina
9 articles 7 photos 436 comments

Favorite Quote:
- I stare danger in the face and giggle
- Never argue with an idiot, people might not know the difference
-R.A.P (Retards Attempting Poetry)
-Tip Cologne ryhmes with alone

my version of the minotaur though it may not be what actually happened in the myth.