I won't respond to the name you call me | Teen Ink

I won't respond to the name you call me

March 26, 2013
By theatregirl PLATINUM, Lathrup Village, Michigan
theatregirl PLATINUM, Lathrup Village, Michigan
30 articles 12 photos 209 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To thine own self be true," -from Hamlet, a play by Shakespeare.
"I have sworn on the altar of god eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson

I call me and idiot , a fool
But I won't respond to names they call
They do this everyday in school
But I won't respond to the names they call me
They yell and they taunt all year
But I won't respond to the name they call me
I wont let fill my with sadness and fear
But I want respond to the names they call me

They try use words harm my soul
But i wont respond to name call me
Why they do this, I don't know 
But I wont respond to the names they call
But I mus say
But I want respond to the name call me
I want let ruin my day

For bullies, say whatever you want to say
I won't respond to the name you call me 
For I know who I am
I not the name you name
I not a doormat
I won't put my head in the sand
Try all you want
Do what you can
But I won't respond to the name you call me 

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