All that Remains | Teen Ink

All that Remains

January 8, 2008
By Holly Tran SILVER, Middletown, Rhode Island
Holly Tran SILVER, Middletown, Rhode Island
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Is it better to have loved and lost, or better to have not loved at all?"

You tell me.

All that Remains
Voices echo in my head softly…calmly…hauntingly…
Memories dance in my mind like figures on a roll of film
Faded, fading, dying
His face enters my dreams,
His hands hold on to mine
His embrace lingers in thought
The promise lives on in words
His laugh, his smile, his amiable spirit,
All alive within my heart

But reality gives birth to only ashes
Ruins of a memory
Reality displays mere representation to honor a soul
And the truth hurts
Like scorching daggers piercing into the chambers of the heart
All that remains, all that existed
Leaving only memories
Moments burned upon film
Fading until they vanish with the touch of Death

"This will certify that the above work is completely original."

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