Coach Taylor | Teen Ink

Coach Taylor

May 16, 2008
By Anonymous

As if beginning high school wasn’t scary enough, hearing stories of mean old coach Taylor made me horrified to step into the history hall. As I approached the top of the staircase, I my steps were very hesitant around the corner. Slowly I crept to the edge of the hallway, and there he sat, with the most intimidating stare I’ve ever seen. Throughout the past three and a half years I continued this ritual going into the history hall, until the 2nd semester of my senior year. I decided to take a psychology class, and to my surprise the teacher for the class was head coach of baseball, Ross Taylor.

Coach T. is completely different from what people might say, or from this reputation we may think he has. He is an outstanding educator, and one of the best coaches in the state. His teaching techniques in class keep us interested, especially our discussions. Some people may think he just cares about coaching and doesn’t actually teach his classes, but that isn’t the truth. I have learned a lot from him. The way he uses examples doesn’t just teach us the material. He also is teaching us about life and growing as a person. Or that’s what I am getting from it. Coach Taylor is one of the few teachers I will remember after my life really begins. He has impacted my life most definitely, and most likely also with others. I believe he is a wise, influential, and reasonable person, who knows a lot about the world around us. If we would listen then we could really learn something from him. Even though psychology isn’t considered a “core” class here, I think I have learned the most and actually started to really grow up from taking this course. And I’m sure I wouldn’t have if anyone else was teaching it.

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on Dec. 19 2017 at 1:57 pm
Dani_Higareda PLATINUM, Hanahan, South Carolina
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Favorite Quote:
“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”
- Winnie the Pooh

Straight from the heart and beautiful:)