Shatter | Teen Ink


July 17, 2010
By iluvnacho PLATINUM, Somewhere, Colorado
iluvnacho PLATINUM, Somewhere, Colorado
28 articles 1 photo 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"Find the beauty in the ugly\"-Jason Mraz 5-19-10
\"Be kinder than nessicary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.\" Unknown 11-29-10

"They're so pretty," I sigh in my mind, looking at my Grandma's porclin dolls and other collectables. The soveniers and valuable treasures are sheltered by glass framed by wood and set into an orderly fashion in the curio. I would protect these things too. They're so marvelous. I shifted my weight in the chair, leaning closer to get a better look.
A tiny umbrella made out of a stretched doley and smooth light wood held my interest. It was so small, so cute. The flickering television no longer holds my attention. I block out it's sounds, leaning closer to the umbrella behind the glass. My perphical vision caught a glance of a porclein angel, but for that moment, nothing mattered but that tiny umbrella.
Until a change in things.
I feel the chair's two legs lift up from the ground beneath me, due to the change in weight. The chair tilts, causing me to flip over backwards in the glass.
The glass' shatters ring in my ears, the pieces falling down beside me. In a moment of shock, I search for the pain that should be coming to me. The sting of cuts, the slither of blood on my skin.....but I feel nothing. All I see is the upside down view of my Grandma's living room and all I hear is the frantic beating of my heart.
It was when my Mom and Grandma came bursting in the room, I start to cry. The tears blur my vision as my mom helps me up, checking me for injuries.
"Oh, honey, are you okay?" my Mom asks, frieghtened by the sight of her daughter laying in glass.
Hmmm," I nod, laying my head on my mom's shoulder.
Remarkably, nothing was broken and I wasn't either. Someone must be looking out for me up there.

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