The Chicken and the Egg | Teen Ink

The Chicken and the Egg

January 11, 2012
By celloizmylife PLATINUM, Atlanta, Georgia
celloizmylife PLATINUM, Atlanta, Georgia
27 articles 0 photos 72 comments

Favorite Quote:
Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long.
We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious.....And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
-Walt Disney

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? If it’s the chicken, then the egg is a lie; it doesn’t exist because the chicken gives the illusion of an egg. If it’s the egg, then the chicken came about from years of failure, years of doctors and coaches putting me down, telling me poultry is a figment of imagination. So much time has gone by, with my pain underestimated, considered exaggerated. But this pain is real, as real as my scars, because this is my real life, which is almost murdered by your refusal to accept it as it is. Which came first, the clinical depression or the arthritis? Which came first, the cuts or the pain? Which came first, your ignorance or that of the world?

The author's comments:
This was a writing club assignment titled The Bird Cage, in which we each wrote about an oppression that brings us down in life. Mine is illness. I had just been informed I couldn't be diagnosed with arthritis or amplified musculo-skeletal pain (fibro-mialgia) because there was not enough evidence. After all my medical struggle of trying to make people understand and believe me, the battle must still continue. But after an emotional club meeting, I think we all realized that our problems are mere posts of the cage, and though one may be staring us in the face, if we looked around we'd see the rest of the world with their own posts, connected to us. "In the same way (as a fish) the human being struggles with his environment and with the hooks that catch him. Sometimes he masters his difficulties; sometimes they are too much for him. His struggles are all that the world sees and it naturally misunderstands them. It is hard for a free fish to understand what is happening to a hooked one." –Karl A. Menninger. As an aspiring psychologist, I believe God made me this way so that I can understand my fellow hooked fish. "It's a hard life, but it's all mine."

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 5 2012 at 8:14 pm
ReaderWriter GOLD, Tallahassee, Florida
15 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Your piece is something I can certianly relate to, in fact when I found this I was almost relieved that I am not alone. I have had a health history very similar to what it sounds like yours is, your take on this is amazing. Thank you for sharing this.