Midnight Thoughts | Teen Ink

Midnight Thoughts

March 12, 2015
By Number_One_Mommy GOLD, Springfield, Oregon
Number_One_Mommy GOLD, Springfield, Oregon
10 articles 14 photos 80 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Your Only Out Of The Game, When You Take Yourself Out!"
-My Daddy

When the sun sets and the moon rises I’m left with nothing more than my thoughts. When midnight strikes and no peep is heard my thoughts haunt my mind. I think about what will be and what could have a long time ago. I think of who I was and who I am now. My dreams taunt me but they are a forgotten memory for sleep never arises. The sound of emptiness slowly drives me to insanity, so I write. Write my fears, my hopes and dreams. My memories resurface from long ago and a feeling of amiss falls over me. Then the dark consumes me and nightmares surround me. Tears swell up but never fall, caught in an undying horror state where reality becomes a myth. I picture things no person can handle, my heart begin to beat. I can feel the fear built up in my veins, I can feel the stale horror take control of my body as I slip into darkness…. I awake. My body still in the cold and dark, my mind is shattered. Empty and blank like a check, what was? What is? No memory of what happened. I close my eyes and slip back into darkness.

The author's comments:

I couldn't sleep one night so i wrote lol

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