Winter's Heart | Teen Ink

Winter's Heart

January 19, 2011
By Kate_Anders BRONZE, Andover, Massachusetts
Kate_Anders BRONZE, Andover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
~William Ernest Henley


Peace, an idea that hasn't been known for almost two centuries. Now, with snow filling the passes through the mountains, the water nation of Eroshia will finally get some rest from the constant war with the human nation.

Eroshia's capitol lies in the middle of a great lake. The two sisters of the Serasesian family live at the heart of this island-city. Kepi, Captain of the Queen's Elite, wants nothing more than to escape court life, but that would mean leaving behind the two people she loves the most: her queen and her sister. Dana, one of the Queen's Ladies, would give anything to sit in the Council Chamber as a member of the Circle of Seven, but reaching her goal will be harder than she dreamed and the sacrifices required of her may be more than even she can give.

But all of their problems must be put on hold when danger threatens the most unexpected places.

Kate A.

Winter's Heart

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