PReTenD | Teen Ink


July 8, 2011
By krystieBeth GOLD, inez, Kentucky
krystieBeth GOLD, Inez, Kentucky
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Remember, darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good."
-p.c. cast


17 year old Teandra Fults is spending the night with her boyfriend at her house while her parents are away on business. little does she know the fun and games only go so far tonight.. When a unexpected secret pops out of her closet she begins to remember the truth instead of lies shes been lead to believe. Love can be blind, and no glasses will ever wing her, she has to remember on her own and travel down a road of bad memories shes been forgetting. He is one monster not even the strongest garlic will get rid of..



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