Ground Zero Mosque | Teen Ink

Ground Zero Mosque

October 6, 2010
By Sadallah BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
Sadallah BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
I may not always be right, but i am never wrong.

All who are not white and Christian are bad people and do not deserve the same rights as those that are! Is this what you believe? Because I do believe that a certain tyrant in the 1940s of the name Adolf Hitler, once held similar beliefs. If you do not agree with this then why are the Muslims in New York not allowed to build a mosque nearly two and a half blocks away from a crime that they did not even commit?

The only reason that I keep hearing why the Muslims cannot build the mosque is because those “Muslims” caused the tragedy of 9/11 nearly 10 years ago. And I say “Muslims” because as a Muslim myself, I do not consider those that committed this act Muslims. It is stated in the Qur’an that you may not EVER harm another human being without them coming and attacking you first.

Is America not the land of the free? You cannot take the right to freedom of religion under any circumstance, at all. Remember these are not the same people that took the lives of many on that terrible, tragic day. They only share similarity in names and skin tone, not religious beliefs. Those similarities had nothing to do with the attack on the twin towers.

The real reason that most Americans do not want this mosque to be built (but no one is willing to admit) is because they are afraid of the dark skinned people. They fear that because they look different, that they are better. And that the Muslim is worse because he is not white and Christian. You may be thinking “I don’t believe that!” Well then how come the Muslims are being treated like they are lesser beings? They have had their freedom of religion taken away by some American protesters.

When there was a Shinto (a place of worship for one of the main religions of the Japanese people) built did anyone here a thing about it? NO! Because nobody cares if there is a shrine built there. But all of a sudden when the Muslims want to build a Mosque in New York there are protesters, and politicians involved. Why? Because those against this mosque are afraid of Islam, fear comes from a lack of knowledge and this becomes racism. There is no other reason for it, they are blinded by racism and now have no way of hiding it.

Some politicians are saying that it is un–American to let them build the mosque there. HA! It is un-American to let people express their freedom of religion! The American thing to do is not let them do what is in the constitution! Is that not the opposite of what American is? We are supposed to be the free country, yet we don’t even let anyone practice what has been written down and guaranteed to them.

The reasons they are building there is because they bought this building for very cheap. It was being used as a Burlington Coat Factory, until they went out of business. They are selling this massive 13 story building to them for as little as one hundred dollars a square foot. That will total up to be about 4.8 million dollars. If that sounds like a lot to you, remember that this is some of the most expensive real estate in the country.

So as you can see they did not buy the mosque so that they could look at the site of ground zero in prayer, but rather because it was cheap and in a great location. Everyone is over reacting; they are not doing anything wrong. They are building a place of worship and a community center. The last time I checked no one is going to get hurt or die because some Muslims are putting up a mosque.

By telling them that they are not allowed to build this mosque, other than being completely racist, is kind of like poking fun at the Muslims. If they are afraid that letting them build a mosque will cause another vicious terrorist attack, not only are they completely wrong, but they are most certainly not helping the situation by poking fun. It would just be much safer to back off and let them build the mosque. This way nothing bad happens, and we show all of the other countries in the world that we are not blinded by racism. And hopefully this will mend some broken fences with the Muslim world.

That brings me to my next topic, we have been in conflict with the terrorist “Muslims” (we explained what the “” meant earlier) for quite some time and we are losing many lives because of it. Would it not be a smart thing to do to let them build the mosque and ease up the tension a bit? It would certainly deflate the ability of organizations like Al Qaeda to show how the US is against Islam, making future attacks less likely. However, by denying these people their right to build a place of worship we are only giving terrorist organizations what they want and putting all Americans in a lot of danger.

So it will not only be safer to allow them to build this mosque, but it will also bring a lot of money to New York and help heal the economy. Having a place of worship and a community center will bring people to the area that will spend money on restaurants and shopping which will help support local businesses. Also, the community center will sponsor many charitable events for the local community.

So as you can see it would just be the best thing for America to allow the mosque to be built. It shows that we are not as arrogant as most other countries think and will show them that we are accepting of them as well. It will also help ease the tension overseas and save many lives of soldiers and innocent citizens of those countries. Finally, it will take eliminate one reason that terrorist organizations use in their recruiting process.

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This article has 11 comments.

on Jul. 7 2012 at 8:06 am
joecool101 PLATINUM, Brighton, Massachusetts
26 articles 0 photos 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
Think once and nothing will happen; think again and ideas will flow to your mind.

- Joshua Eibelman

Do Muslims build mosques on lands that they have claimed victory on?-Yes, absolutely !

The Koran (018:021) states: 'Build a building over them, their Lord knows best about them;' and those who prevailed in their affair said, 'We will surely make a mosque over them.'

This is not a direct commandment to build on a place of victory, but there is a Muslim tradition of building mosques to celebrate or symbolize victory. This has led to the practice of building mosques to symbolize conquest over infidels.

· The Dome of the Rock, the Al Aqsa Mosque, in Jerusalem is built on top of one of the holiest sites in Judaism, the Temple Mount. It was built over the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, at the ruins of the Jewish temple.
· The former St. Sophia's Basilica, once the world's largest cathedral and orthodox patriarchal basilica, was torn down and replaced with the principal mosque of Istanbul.
· The Cordoba mosque in Spain was a former Christian cathedral.

Muslims have engaged in this practice for centuries, symbolizing their victories over the infidels. Muslims built their mosques on conquered land. They build it as a slap in the face to the Jews, Christians and other religions. That is why they want to build a mosque at ground zero. To slap the United State of America in the face. There are plenty of places in New York City to build a 13 story mosque and education center than 2 blocks from ground zero. Our President is wrong, and so is Mayor Bloomberg. I am a strong believer in religious freedom, but I also believe in common sense and locating a mosque next to ground zero is wrong. Now the building of this mosque at ground zero is not acceptable. Our president, so smart supposely can't see, or does not want to see, this insult and disrespect to the more than 3000 victims of 9/11.

on Jul. 7 2012 at 7:41 am
joecool101 PLATINUM, Brighton, Massachusetts
26 articles 0 photos 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
Think once and nothing will happen; think again and ideas will flow to your mind.

- Joshua Eibelman

By the way, you are wrong again on a point. You wrote that the Mosque costs them 4.8 milion dollars. In reality, the project costs 100 million dollars, most of which comes from outside the United States to support the Islamization of the west as well as declaring victory over the United States.

on Jul. 7 2012 at 7:38 am
joecool101 PLATINUM, Brighton, Massachusetts
26 articles 0 photos 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
Think once and nothing will happen; think again and ideas will flow to your mind.

- Joshua Eibelman

Furthermore, there is a tradition in Islam to build a mosque in places which Muslims conquer (or think they conquer in the case of the Ground Zero Mosque). History supports this statement, by the way. Also, it is a fact that the Muslims who are planning to build the mosque support Hamas and are radicalists who are proponents for Sharia law and radical Islamization of the west.

on Oct. 22 2011 at 6:52 am
joecool101 PLATINUM, Brighton, Massachusetts
26 articles 0 photos 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
Think once and nothing will happen; think again and ideas will flow to your mind.

- Joshua Eibelman

I do not agree with you that building the mosque will, "ease tensions overseas" because the American soldiers are fighting Islamic terrorists. They will continue to do what they do despite anything. They have proclaimed "jihad" for anyone who is not their religion.

lszyman96 said...
on Oct. 16 2010 at 8:53 pm
lszyman96, Romeoville, Illinois
0 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
" stay golden ponyboy"
-the outsiders

im indifferent about the mosque...but  the reason people are protesting it so much is because they think its insensitive to the 911 families..and i actually saw a muslim on fox saying its not a good idea because your just bulding tension..but then again the first amendment

Bobbi PLATINUM said...
on Oct. 16 2010 at 2:39 pm
Bobbi PLATINUM, Terry, Mississippi
39 articles 1 photo 46 comments
I absolutely love this article!! I have been trying to get this point across in my history classes and with people who just seem biased and uneducated. I'm not Muslim but i love religion and have actually read the Qu'ran bless you and your people, and shame those who are ignorant and are out to hurt all of you for an act you did not commit.

on Oct. 14 2010 at 3:01 pm
Sadallah BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
I may not always be right, but i am never wrong.

Please rate and tell your friends!

on Oct. 13 2010 at 5:01 pm
Sadallah BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
I may not always be right, but i am never wrong.

Thank you, I really appreciate your comments!

Name said...
on Oct. 13 2010 at 5:12 am
Fair, point, good article overall. I'm glad to see a thought out article on the subject.

on Oct. 12 2010 at 4:40 pm
Sadallah BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
I may not always be right, but i am never wrong.

Thanks a lot, I started out so harsh because I tried to pull the reader in. You kept reading didn't you?

Name said...
on Oct. 12 2010 at 3:06 pm
You have an interesting article and some good points, especially about appearing open to Islam by allowing the mosque to be built You might want to be careful about vilifying your reader though, assuming they hold racist beliefs and then comparing them to Hitler might set your reader off and make your argument less compelling. Otherwise, great article.