Racism Still Happening | Teen Ink

Racism Still Happening

July 31, 2009
By babyrissa212 SILVER, Boca Raton, Florida
babyrissa212 SILVER, Boca Raton, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Racism is a form of cruelty used to another person and their background.People may have thought this ended many years ago, but what they don't know is that it is still going on today.It occurs in jobs,school,and public areas.Many don't know that racism is very hurtful and can cause alot of issues. For example, alot of teens in my school us racist jokes and say crude things to others that harm them and mess with their emotions.This isn't right and it really needs to end.People do not realize the intensity and affect it can have on the people that are victoms.This cruelty has to stop and we need to learn respect and see the affects we make on others.

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This article has 24 comments.

Haylatte said...
on May. 3 2015 at 7:33 pm
Haylatte, National City, California
0 articles 0 photos 6 comments

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"Breathe. It's just a bad day, not a bad life." -Unknown
"There are many people who put you down. Don't be one of them." -Unknown
"Panic is what's gonna kill you if something goes wrong." -ForeverDreaming.orgg

Not to be a grammar nazi, but *disgust.

Olivia said...
on Feb. 25 2014 at 12:20 pm
Racists people literally discuss me

nessa2000 said...
on Feb. 6 2014 at 9:32 pm
yes, racism is really BIG in australia, mostly between whites and islanders

brebrazt37 said...
on Apr. 11 2013 at 8:44 am
racims is do hurtful people don't even understand :(  

on Dec. 28 2011 at 1:43 pm
swcricket98 GOLD, Williamson, Georgia
13 articles 17 photos 102 comments

Favorite Quote:
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

I agree with your opinion, but I believe there are much better articles on here that deserve to be voted #1 in Discrimination. This wasn't that well written and although I favor your opinion, I don't really favor this article.

on Oct. 7 2011 at 5:39 pm
RaenFeatherstone BRONZE, Ottawa, Other
3 articles 6 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
''It's not what was taken from you, it's what you do with what you have left.''

--- Meghan Pearson

I hate racism. It affects everyone at one point, wether you are white, black, asian, mexican or, as I am, native-american. People have so many prejudices and nasty comments just because somebody is not like them, it's incredible! People are continuously emitting stereotypical comments that are simply straight up insulting and I don't think they understand how hurtful and powerful words can be.

on Sep. 29 2011 at 5:46 pm
kateknopp BRONZE, Carmel, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Trade your guns and fire with doves; we fight for love, and peace will find us with harmony." -Christofer Drew

"Sometimes you've gotta fall before you fly."

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." -Oscar Wilde

how does that suck? people are different for a reason. no one was born to repeat the past, because then that would make for an extremely lame future.

bobsaget said...
on Sep. 27 2011 at 4:38 pm
that sucks

Alicia00 said...
on May. 23 2011 at 11:25 am
That is so horrible to have a boyfriends mom racist? I would feel so un comfortable, she must be out of her mind. At least you know you are better then her, because obviously she is evil and judges people on there looks. 

on Feb. 22 2011 at 7:59 am
kateknopp BRONZE, Carmel, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Trade your guns and fire with doves; we fight for love, and peace will find us with harmony." -Christofer Drew

"Sometimes you've gotta fall before you fly."

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." -Oscar Wilde

people are people. you are beautiful either way. :)

love09 said...
on Oct. 15 2010 at 2:05 pm
i think racism is the worst thing that could happen to people, people are so mean now-a-days they are rude and if you are black white or mexican, everyone gets treated differently, even when you walk down the street will yell random stuff. its not cool.

on Aug. 31 2010 at 6:25 pm
UnStoppable777 BRONZE, Fitzgerald, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments
Oh, yea absolutely! I have yet to see something on a BET video where a Black woman is portayed as anything better than someone to sleep with when you're bored.

on Aug. 31 2010 at 5:53 pm
UnStoppable777 BRONZE, Fitzgerald, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments
Living as an African American girl in a Deep Southern town, I'm well acquainted with discrimination. You're right- it hurts terribly. When you think about it, say you walk into a room of people whom you've never seen in your life. All of a sudden, they have you figured out: your attitude, your background, how you will carry yourself, who you hang around, what you're capable of, your "goals", your "ambitions" and who you will be in this world- ALL AND ONLY because they see the color of your skin. It's such a scary thought. Racism and discrimination is something that eats at a person. very destructive and extremely dangerous. Please don't discriminate; help in the fight to end it.

on Jul. 18 2010 at 5:42 pm
fahreekin-crazy BRONZE, Sharon, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 15 comments
I agree, obviously, that racism needs to end and we all need to work together to help find a solution. However, the point you make about TV, I think, is not valid. True Jackson VP on Nickelodeon stars a black girl with an asian best friend, That's So Raven starred a black girl, ect. As for stereotypical jokes: I'm a Jewish girl, and I find the occasional Jewish joke hysterical. While it is important to carefully distinguish between good fun and hurtful sterotype, television is a place for both whites and blacks to be the heros as well as the villians.

Ezekiel SILVER said...
on May. 17 2010 at 6:38 pm
Ezekiel SILVER, Ohio, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 7 comments

The problem in the world is that personally, we all hate one another. I do not know why, but we need to find a way to get together as one and come to in an agreement that we are equal and that color does not matter. 

Most Blacks are not arrogant, nor stupid. Look at Oprah, Will Smith, Dr. King, ect. These people are not arrogant nor stupid. In the same towards Whites and other cultures, we are all smart and not stupid. We make foolish choices here and there but in reality we all do the same stupid stuff. Stop the Racism, Go to Equalness.

LaughsAlone said...
on Apr. 23 2010 at 7:27 pm
Yeah I noticed that- I hate how African-American women and girls are portrayed! They are always bossy and rude >_< Not fair.

on Mar. 11 2010 at 1:15 pm
Peace420 BRONZE, Williston, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 42 comments
They act like that because that is how they act

Jacksprak said...
on Jan. 1 2010 at 4:31 pm
I agree completely. Rasism is a cruel vile thing that does so much harm. The worst part is Some people don't even understand what they say is rasist and they continue to be jerks without even knowing. I myself, am a white blonde and people will call me a slaver or Massa and barely even realize how much they just insulted me. Your point is valid and I tell you, Rock on!

on Oct. 26 2009 at 3:22 pm
Lil_Soldier BRONZE, Madera, California
4 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You cant keep a good man down"

i agree , cuz everyday ppl act racism with me..mostly tha cops tho. just cuz im a mexican walking down tha streets they immediatly think im a gangmember..man it sucks...

on Oct. 25 2009 at 4:59 pm
writingrox BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." (Albus Dumbledore)

It's true. Only one or twice I saw a black person as a teacher.