Inexperienced or Too Experienced? | Teen Ink

Inexperienced or Too Experienced?

March 12, 2010
By powerhouseX3 BRONZE, Harrisville, West Virginia
powerhouseX3 BRONZE, Harrisville, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be loved but never love,
Attatch but never fall,
It is better to be broken than shattered,
Tell him of your strength,but never your past,
Be trustworthy but never trust,
Be cracked but never open.

Anymore, we as teens are smothered with pressures in everything we do. Seriously, think about it. The pressures are both good and bad, like the pressure to go to college, to get a higher degree or to do the best in some sport or activity you enjoy. But, like everything in the world, there are bad that come with the good. By bad? I mean being pressured by peers, and that's the hardest thing to keep will power against, to have sex, do drugs, drink alcohol, and smoke.
Like just yesterday, I'm in English class and a guy that I've been friends with since the begining of Junior High asks me is I ever 'do anything'. I, being the smart butt person that I am, said well yeah, i do lots of stuff.
Then he asked my about alcohol, smoking, and drugs. I said no, to all of them. Then he said I was inexperienced and that I'd have to get more by the time college started.
But honestly, is it me that's inexperienced, or it him, that's just way too experienced?

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