Senior Photography (First Time) | Teen Ink

Senior Photography (First Time)

July 30, 2012
By Number_One_Mommy GOLD, Springfield, Oregon
Number_One_Mommy GOLD, Springfield, Oregon
10 articles 14 photos 80 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Your Only Out Of The Game, When You Take Yourself Out!"
-My Daddy

So I did an internship at a Photography Studio in Eugene/Salem and it was amzing! i had so much fun and i even got a job offer for when im done with college. lol Here They are what you think? :)

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This photo has 1 comment.

normgrl GOLD said...
on Aug. 6 2012 at 11:22 pm
normgrl GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
13 articles 11 photos 105 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do we eat to live or live to eat?

Wow. This is just really perfect. You followed the guidelines of composition by "keeping it simple" and  if I'm looking at it correctly, I beleive the horizon is straight, as well :) I like the concept of the picture. When I looked at it, my first thought was: friendship.  Really great photo, you're a natural!