Alabama | Teen Ink


June 29, 2009
By GreenDayFan SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
GreenDayFan SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
7 articles 3 photos 134 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every story has an end, but in life, every ending is just a new beginning."
-Uptown Girls

Is it a miracle?
Or just a state?

I will never know
That is until I’ve experienced
The true beauty

Is the trees
Or the green, green grass
That makes me love it so much

But now I know the feelings
That Alabama gives you
It is astonishing

Just like the places
The people and even
The food it is all true

and I can only hope
That you will experience the same thing
If not you will regret

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 22 2009 at 9:09 pm
GreenDayFan SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
7 articles 3 photos 134 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every story has an end, but in life, every ending is just a new beginning."
-Uptown Girls

Thanks a lot

on Aug. 30 2009 at 8:00 pm
TheUnknownGuest GOLD, Woodbridge, Virginia
14 articles 4 photos 110 comments

Favorite Quote:
I can't remember it clearly, but it went something like this:

"The past is the past, the future is the furture. But now, now is like a gift, which is why it is called present."

That sounds pretty cool! Nice job! :)