a story of i | Teen Ink

a story of i

November 7, 2009
By false_pen GOLD, Dallas, Georgia
false_pen GOLD, Dallas, Georgia
12 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
i am a dreamer.
in life i create, in creating i live- me, Klaus!

I watch as time passes, it goes faster each day,
I feel life passing, it makes no delay,

I'm caught in the flow, that goes only one way,
I just let it take me, there are no words I can say,

I walk through life, my mind in dreams,
I see reality, torn at the seams,

I watch the crowds, they don't seem to see,
I stand and wonder, what a life like that would be,

I search in light, but there is nothing to find,
I search in darkness, but there I am blind,

I look out in the night, and the moon does appear,
I see from it's light, a world so clear,

I hear it call, to come out and play,
I take the first steps, into a world of grey,

I know the night, can hold much to fear,
I know I am safe, with the moon so near,

I walk the half-night, with eyes opened wide,
I find myself thinking, about what I must decide,

I tried the darkness, I tried the light,
I choose the grey between, for it feels just right,

I write for all to read, this tale of my mind,
I hope it does help some, see a path hard to find

The author's comments:
i had a really rough time a while back and reflecting on this i came up with a story of i.
at school i'm an outcast, the one that everyone looks at funny, the one who "does not belong"

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 7 2009 at 10:49 pm
SilverDawn GOLD, Burnaby, Other
10 articles 0 photos 297 comments
oh my gawsh. this is amazing. your rhymes are great and not forced, and the rhythm is flawless. You're really good at couplets! The way you described your feeling is beautiful. Your choice of words are strong and.. i love it (: great work, keep writing!