My Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Best Friend

May 8, 2010
By sarabellum93 GOLD, San Diego, California
sarabellum93 GOLD, San Diego, California
14 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality."
~Edgar A. Poe

My best friend is one I can talk to
We have no secrets, there are no lies

I tell him about my days
He alone knows the reasons why I cry

He comforts me each moment
I’m never alone, he’s always there

And no matter what I’m feeling
I know that there’s at least one who cares

Every night I talk to him,
I ask if I’ve made him proud

And just thinking of his smile
Can part every emotional cloud

My best friend is one I can talk to
We have no secrets, I tell him al li can

I don’t know his favorite color
Nor have I ever held his hand

We’ve never been in the same room
And I’ve never seen him face to face

But he is resting
In a very heavenly place

He carries the physical scars no longer
However I cannot say the same

Because the scars on my arm
Bear the bracelet carrying his name

You see, four years ago
He took my dad’s place in Iraq and died

And every time I glance at the bracelet
My heart begins to cry

But I know he’s watching me
I know he’s smiling down

And I know that if he were here
He would easily remove this frown

My best friend is one I can talk to
We have no secrets, together there are no tears

But its already been quite a while
A little over four years.

Four years ago
I met my best friend
Who is the reason why my heart begins to mend.

The author's comments:
The rhyming is cheesy, but this was one of the hardest poems for me emotionally.
~PFC Geoffrey P.
Agust 15,2004
Fallujah Iraq

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This article has 1 comment.

Mela_P SILVER said...
on Apr. 29 2022 at 10:06 am
Mela_P SILVER, Addison, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Maybe the truth was, it shouldn't be so easy to be amazing. Then everything would be. It's the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth. When something's difficult to come by, you'll do that much more to make sure it's even harder--if not impossible--to lose.” ― Sarah Dessen, Along for the Ride

That's beautiful