Alphabet of Love | Teen Ink

Alphabet of Love

August 2, 2010
By Jellybean9898 PLATINUM, Glendale, California
Jellybean9898 PLATINUM, Glendale, California
34 articles 0 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When nothing goes right, go left"-Anonymous
"Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste to the sky as well as the Earth"-Henry David Thoreau

A is for the apple blossoms we hoped one day would bloom.
B is for the balloons he’d put secretly in my room.
C is for the cards that’d say, “You’re what makes my world go round.”
D is for the days we’d spend together just hanging around.
E is for the Evergreen Tree we would visit when it’d snow.
F is for the flowers he gave me, in hopes that I’d watch them grow.
G is for the green tree we climbed when we were nine.
H is for his hand when it was holding mine.
I is for the ice cream I’d swirl up on two cones.
J is for the jellybeans he’d put on top of those.
K is for the kisses we’d share every night.
L is for the light from his wonderful smile so bright.
M is for the moon that would make every evening bliss.
N is for the night when we shared our first true kiss.
O is for my open eyes as I see the love in his face.
P is for paradise that makes my heart race.
Q is for the quilt that one night we’d decided to share.
R is for the rollercoaster we went on at the fair.
S is for the swirly writing on his notes that say, “I love you forever.”
T is for all the time we’ve spent together.
U is for “you and me” in that photo next to my bed.
V is for that very special feeling I get that makes my face turn red.
W is for the wind that blows his messy hair.
X is for the excitement for the time with him I share.
Y is for the yacht we sailed across the ocean blue.
Z is for the end of the alphabet, but not the end of me and you.
As you can see, the greatest give is your angel sent from above.
And all these letters spell together my dearest and first true love.

The author's comments:
Idk how this came to me, really. constructive criticism would be appreciated, but so would other comments. thank you for your contribution! :)

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