Identity | Teen Ink


November 27, 2007
By Inertia SILVER, Winnetka, Illinois
Inertia SILVER, Winnetka, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Calm down, grab a brush and own your life"

What am I to you?

Another child on the street?

Am I that person you pass
That you see yourself in?

Do you see smile at nothing
And wonder if I’m crazy?

When I close my eyes
Do you wonder
What is passing though
The theatre that is my mind?

Am I that person
That enflames a curiosity?

Do you wish your knew me?
Do you wish you were my best friend?

Am I another textbook case?
Or the most unique person you could fin?

Will you ever know
About the world inside of me?

Am I that girl
That will never change?
That girl without a soul
The one who you
Pretend doesn’t bother you

What am I to you?
What are you to me?

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on Nov. 3 2012 at 11:47 pm
NewIdentity GOLD, Arden, North Carolina
15 articles 9 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
If life for you
Been less than kind
Take a number
Stand in line
We've all been sorry
We've all been hurt
But it's how we survive
That makes us who we are
- Survive by Rise Against

I love this poem! I completely understand how you feel.