Breathing Blood | Teen Ink

Breathing Blood

October 9, 2011
By FangPoet DIAMOND, Wichita, Kansas
FangPoet DIAMOND, Wichita, Kansas
74 articles 0 photos 81 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am yours as long as you are mine."

"Teenagers are in the forest of bad ideas an hormones."

"Your everything i want but nothing i need."
"I hate you so much ... i love you".

"Its the ugliest cute thing ever"!

"Everything is cute in its own way

In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two. - Erich Fromm

My lungs are full of blood from the way you played me.
The way you said baby the way your eyes locked on to me,an made impossible for me to flee.
Those eyes were a lovely a beautiful dark bay,
That hands that held me close an wiped the tears away,punched straight through my chest you took your prize a live half beating heart inside.
Help me for i can not breath!
My vision turns to red it makes me weaver then it fades away then there is nothing,an i can no longer see.

Like a bird I wish to fly like a Raven an just go by.
Take me Wind an blow me free of all this blood that is suffocating me its bleeding into my lungs!
Right now im breathing blood.
Then the wisp of the wind an im dead from drowning in the blood you left me in all because you hit me you hated me an you betrayed me with her.

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