If My Heart Ceased Beating | Teen Ink

If My Heart Ceased Beating

October 12, 2011
By DomClaudeFrollo GOLD, Greenville, North Carolina
DomClaudeFrollo GOLD, Greenville, North Carolina
10 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can't help being a gorgeous fiend... it's just the card I drew."
~ Lestat

If my heart ceased beating
Would the world still be like this?
For what it has to offer now
Is nothing I would miss.
If I create a callous shell
To hide my wounded soul
Then could I live in peace, perhaps
Until my death bells’ toll?
If I give in to apathy
And bow down to defeat
If I give up, give in, give out
And make ready for retreat
If I sink deep into despair
And let myself be consumed
Then it’s not just my human heart
But my humanity that’s doomed.
How can I keep up this façade
When these oppressions persist?
If my heart ceased beating
Would the world still be like this?

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