Sunday Night | Teen Ink

Sunday Night

March 27, 2012
By Jellybean9898 PLATINUM, Glendale, California
Jellybean9898 PLATINUM, Glendale, California
34 articles 0 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When nothing goes right, go left"-Anonymous
"Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste to the sky as well as the Earth"-Henry David Thoreau

Sunday night, I decided to become
A person who marches to the beat of their own drum
An adventurer who scales the mountains so high
An investigator, separating truths from a lie
A director, instructing famous people to act
A detective, narrowing things down to fact
A mathematician who solves problems with pi
A philosopher, reasoning the meaning of life
A writer, creating new worlds to escape
An artist, using inspiration to paint
A collector, who captures trinkets in jars
A lover, who makes yours and mine “ours”
A fireman, who rescues those in danger
A policeman, who can be called to aid a stranger
A parent, who helps their little child to soar
An explorer, who finds more than they bargained for
An athlete, who seeks to win every game
A scientist, coming up with fancy new names
An dancer, spine relaxed, toes and fingers curled
A traveler, who has been all over the world
But alas, I can only sit here and dream, wishing to spread my wings
Wasting away before a computer screen that only tells me of such things

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