Never go Back | Teen Ink

Never go Back

December 16, 2012
By TevyRae PLATINUM, Pittsfield, Pennsylvania
TevyRae PLATINUM, Pittsfield, Pennsylvania
24 articles 7 photos 80 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Here is a small fact: You are going to die." ~The Book Thief
"You have no stupidity inside of your adorable little self." ~Mikey Pasterik

Your arms, perfect and strong,
Your arms, embracing me,
Guiding me through the heartache,
Nothing else seems to matter,
But you and me,
The sounds,
Sounds of hurt,
The sounds have hands,
Reaching out for me,
Trying to drag me back to where I was,
Who I was, But you hold me close,
And never let me slip away.
You kiss my forehead,
And tell me its going to be okay.
Regardless of the doubt deep within me,
I know in my heart you are speaking truth.
Carry me away from this,
Let's never go back.

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