I miss when.... | Teen Ink

I miss when....

January 15, 2009
By Stormy16 SILVER, Tolleson, Arizona
Stormy16 SILVER, Tolleson, Arizona
7 articles 61 photos 95 comments

Favorite Quote:
Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.
-Victor Hugo

I miss when....

When staying up till ten was late.

When the back yard could be an under water world, A time portal that could bring us back to
any date and time.

When we could dance in the middle of the supermarket.

When the light always had to be on.

When sticks and twigs could be guns and swords.

When the swimming pool could be a shark tank.

When we would spin in circles then run as fast as we could just to see the world upside down.

When the power puff girls was are favorite show.

When the swing set could be anything from an airplane to a horse.

When Barbie dolls and stuffed animals covered are entire room.

When we were hot babysitters that saved the world.

When we would write songs for each other.

When wearing makeup and looking good were the farthest things from are minds.

When everyday was the best day ever.

When we would spend hours trying to catch frogs in the backyard.

When the trampoline could be a tornado or a cloud.

When we built brick towers in the back yard for are dolls.

When we made a little resturant the back yard that only served dirt and twigs

When the playground was a sinking submarine.

When we would play Bert and Bert.

When we made mud people.

When we'd spend the entire summer outside.

When there was no such thing as time.

When we thought we could climb a mountain and eat the clouds away.

When we drew each other pictures.

When we would get balloons and yours always popped on the way home.

When I could always be my self and never even thought of being anything but.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 5 2009 at 10:51 pm
Stormy16 SILVER, Tolleson, Arizona
7 articles 61 photos 95 comments

Favorite Quote:
Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.
-Victor Hugo

Whoa. I havent read this thing in forever! like all my spellings wrong, and I'm missing words. Ha ha. Thanks for the comment.. Sometimes I wish I could go back, but being a teenager has all kinds of new experiances. Some day I'll be all old, and looking back on these days as free of responsibilty. :)

on Jun. 18 2009 at 4:13 pm
SilverDawn GOLD, Burnaby, Other
10 articles 0 photos 297 comments
aww, that was so cute! it made me think of my own childhood and reflect on how it's different from being a teenager. responsibilities start piling up and people start judging you more and you just want to fulfil what they expect you to be but sometimes you just want to be carefree again. your poem's cute, truthful, and thought-provoking. nice!