Will I Take The Plunge? | Teen Ink

Will I Take The Plunge?

February 7, 2009
By Allison_after_life GOLD, Avondale, Arizona
Allison_after_life GOLD, Avondale, Arizona
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

On the edge of the cliff's ledge,

Will you catch me?

The wind is strong

What if you are wrong?

What if you are wrong about me

I look at the land all I can see

Every hill, Every tree

How can this be..

Will you catch me..

This cliff is high..

Please don't say good bye

Let your arms stretch forth

Remind me of all that I am worth.

Don't go away..

Stay Stay

I look down below

I don't want to let you go

The current is strong..

The river is long..

The river is deep..

I'm about to weep.

Will you catch me...

I'll cherish you no matter what

I will jump, do you think I don't have the guts?

I know what it takes

I feel the ledge is about to break

Will you catch me...

I'm about to dive

I hope I survive..

I feel so alive

Watch me jump

Don't think I won't do it

Don't think I don't care..

Tell me to jump.. Do you dare?

Will you catch me

I want you to know

This is not some kind of show

I'm not trying to get anyone's attention

But I failed to mention
I'm crazy

I'm jumping now

Will you catch me

The water is rising

I'm realizing

This could be the end

You have been a Godsend

The water is cold

Or so I'm told

I'm not afraid to die

If I go..

Don't you cry..

I will always be by your side

Are you ready for a wild ride?

I leap into the air..

Are you down there?

The wind blowing my hair

Will you catch me.

I close my eyes

I see your face

This is it

Coming closer now

Are you ready

Can you see me fly

Will you catch me

Do I trust you

You know I do

Do you trust yourself

Take a deep breath



Do you see me falling..

Do you hear me calling...

Come running

Come catch me

Will you catch me.

There is nothing but silence



I can't wait..

Is this my fate?

Is it too late.

I can see you, Could this be true.

Will you catch me

This is my destiny

You are the best..

You are different from the rest..



Close your eyes

Picture me in your arms

Don't be alarmed

Don't be nervous

Don't you worry




Will you catch me

Don't think

Don't blink

Close your eyes

Soon this will be over

You'll recover

We will be together

You just have to catch me

I can see the ground

And everything around

I know how this sounds

My love for you has no bounds

Will you catch me

Have faith

Don't put me in a early grave

This is my life you should save

Watch me wave

All this love I gave

And now it's time

Here I come

Are you sure

Are you sure you are ready

Breathe. Breathe.. Breathe...

I'm coming..

Faster. Faster.. Faster...

Will you catch me

Will I see you in heaven..

Or will I see you at the bottom

Will I be holding you tight

Or will I see the light

It's your choice

Will you hear my voice

Will we rejoice

This is it

Don't you forget

Letting go

Holding my breath



Thrust out your arms

Will you catch me...?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 17 2009 at 7:19 am
Stormy16 SILVER, Tolleson, Arizona
7 articles 61 photos 95 comments

Favorite Quote:
Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.
-Victor Hugo

Hey I really like this one it's very perty :) nice nice nice.... ur very talented Allison :D