The Truest Nightmare | Teen Ink

The Truest Nightmare

March 23, 2009
By Aro_To_The_Heart PLATINUM, Mandeville, Louisiana
Aro_To_The_Heart PLATINUM, Mandeville, Louisiana
47 articles 7 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than hands?

-Ernest Gaines.

The nightmares come and go now,
They haunt me with increasing joy,
They pinch and poke, shove and drag,
My soul can’t take much more,
My heart lies shattered upon the rusting ground,
I pick it up and brush off the pieces,
I put it in my pocket for safe-keeping,
I walk along the plains keeping my broken heart close,
The hours go by with increasing agony,
The needles under my skin,
Continuously irritate and annoy,
The central part of me,
Of who I am inside,
I walk with pace set on slow,
I watch the world as I go by,
To watch it crumbling to the ground around me,
In slow motion,
The friends are dead and gone,
My body is falling apart at the seams,
All these years I’ve been wondering,
What the F*** happened to this place,
The tears try to come,
But I hold them back in spite,
To show the nonexistent that I’m stronger than them,
Instead I’m killing myself,
And I don’t give a damn,
The darkness envelopes my torn heart as I reach to feel it,
My pocket feels empty,
I look down to find that my pocket had a hole,
The remnants of my shattered heart have fallen through,
I can never find all the pieces now…what do I do?


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This article has 1 comment.

booklady said...
on Sep. 24 2009 at 8:15 am
the heart imagery is very powerful