Ballad of a Hero | Teen Ink

Ballad of a Hero

October 1, 2009
By InkBlogger SILVER, Ruston, Louisiana
InkBlogger SILVER, Ruston, Louisiana
8 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shall we always study to obtain more of these things, and not sometimes to be content with less?" - Henry David Thoreau, Walden

"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life." - Charles Darwin

The shells exploded all around,
The young man covered his head.
"Get down!" he yelled to other boys
Who dumbly staggered, shocked, instead.

Yet still they stood in trenches full
Of crimson blood the darkest red.
The soldier ran crouched to shell-shocked friends
Who dumbly staggered, shocked, instead.

"Private! Private! You're hit! You're hit!"
A nearby officer said.
But the brave young soldier charged toward his brothers
Who dumbly staggered, shocked, instead.

He reached the boys and forced them down
In pits where blood had ere been shed.
"You'll bleed to death!" warned to Captain to Hero
Who dumbly staggered, shocked, instead.

"Here lies a soldier, hero true,"
One father in Arlington later said,
Remembering the boy who wounded ran
To the dumbly staggering and shocked instead.

The author's comments:
Dedicated to all unsung heroes.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 13 2009 at 9:45 am
This is the type of book i like to read because i like reading about war. A book i recommend is a war book kinda like this one and it is Band of Brothers theres also its HBO counter part which is a mini-series which is 10 hours long.