Imperfection | Teen Ink


January 5, 2021
By LittleLetters SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
LittleLetters SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
6 articles 8 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"All Monsters are human."

'I think it's funny

How the four leaf clover

Is considered lucky


But that mole

On your left arm

Is considered a mistake


And how wilting

Plants are the first

Taken care of


Yet each day

We are shunned

For a simple tear


How is it that

If it breaks

We fix it and love it

Just as much

Even if it can't do its

Job like it did before


I'm amazed

That we think we are hopeless

And worthless when

We break

That we are no longer worthy

Of love or a second chance


...Crazy... isn't it?'

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