I took a bite out of darkness | Teen Ink

I took a bite out of darkness

August 29, 2009
By katie_bugg GOLD, Scott Depot, West Virginia
katie_bugg GOLD, Scott Depot, West Virginia
14 articles 14 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"But my heart, it is brighter than all the many stars in the sky"

-Edgar Allan Poe

A dark angel crossed my path,

It was so beautiful I ried at the aftermath,

A shudder went through my veins,

and it did time and time again,

Black wings stretched out wide,

It's movements so graceful i thought i might die,

I feared losing it to the light,

so i opened my mouth,

and took a bite,

Now the angel runs through my veins,

Sending shudders through me time and time again.

The author's comments:
I wrote this one about two weeks ago at about 3am. I was thinking about how once in a while we all like to just break out and do something dangerous, crazy, or just stupid, and when we do it, it feels amazing, and we have urges to do it again, and again, but I am eager to here what the readers have to say about what they got fromt this particular poem, and my others.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 30 2010 at 1:07 pm
kookymnstr PLATINUM, Crowder, Oklahoma
27 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
" One good thing about music, When it hits you, You feel no pain."- Bob Marley

I love that she took a bite! I like how it flows through your mouth like spring water, Very Crystal, without rhyming on every line.