Without You | Teen Ink

Without You

September 15, 2009
By Robsessed PLATINUM, McKinney, Texas
Robsessed PLATINUM, McKinney, Texas
23 articles 1 photo 199 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I may be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it." - Maya Angelou

"Did you know 'I told you so' has a brother, Jacob?" she asked cutting me off. "His name is 'Shut the hell up.'" - Bella Swan, Breaking Dawn

About you I cannot stop thinking
Bravely I force myself to face reality
Cautiously living this so called life
Desperately holding myself together

Easily wishing I could always be by your side
Forbidden to even think your name
Gone is my heart
Hollowness is all I feel

Imagining my life without you
Just makes me cry and scream inside my head
Killing me slowly cause you aren’t around
Loving you still with each and every breath

My sanity is swiftly slipping away
Never to be whole again
Only you can change my fate
Please save me before it's too late

Quietly to myself I've often thought
Risking my life is the only way to feel you with me
Silently I prepared this plan
Thinking only of seeing your face and hearing your voice

Understanding might escape you
Voicing your opinion
Won't change my mind

X seconds until he’s gone forever
You don’t belong with me is all I can hear
Zero interest in a world without you

The author's comments:
This is my interpretation of how Bella feels in New Moon when & after Edward leaves. It's what I call an Alphabet poem, but with the X you can view it as the Roman Numeral for 10 or as a "fill in the blank" type thing.

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