She Walks Away | Teen Ink

She Walks Away

December 8, 2009
By SaintJamesHallow PLATINUM, Sequim, Washington
SaintJamesHallow PLATINUM, Sequim, Washington
26 articles 1 photo 12 comments

There's a girl,
everyone knows.
She seems so innocent
but the closest to her,
know that's a lie.
She walks around,
hurt, confused,
angered, desperate,
used and abused.
I'd give her sympathy
if I had any to give.
It'd pain me to see her this way,
but after what I've been though
I really can't give a f***
It's my fault really,
I could have just walked away.
Then My mind would stick to her,
some jealousy sunk in,
maybe something I'd think to be
Hey, what do I know?
Besides when she walks away,
The guys shes looking at
are looking at her in a different way.
What can I say?
I'm tired of the game you play.
I can thank you for saving me,
but then tell you off for a year
of pain.
Of course she wouldn't care,
She'd just walk away.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Aug. 16 2011 at 6:41 pm
secrets_of_silence GOLD, Gisborne, Other
12 articles 0 photos 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
life had i loved the more
had it but passed away
as quietly as the day
ebbs from the darkening star.

-emanuel litvinoff

every time i read this it gets better!!

on Mar. 15 2011 at 6:55 pm
secrets_of_silence GOLD, Gisborne, Other
12 articles 0 photos 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
life had i loved the more
had it but passed away
as quietly as the day
ebbs from the darkening star.

-emanuel litvinoff

i think ive been her

on Mar. 22 2010 at 11:19 am
PoetOfNyx16 SILVER, Port Angeles, Washington
8 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I dont know why I cut myself, god, give me a sign or help, I won't cry it'll be fine, I'll take my last breath, push it out my chest, 'till there's nothing left."

i agree completely. if you don't do something with this, you're throwing away a great nyx given gift.

on Mar. 15 2010 at 8:21 am
CrYiNg_eYeS BRONZE, Fairfax, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
This one's even better than the one that got in the magazine! You have a gift.