The Price of a Lie | Teen Ink

The Price of a Lie

January 19, 2010
By another_teenage_itiot PLATINUM, Huston, Arkansas
another_teenage_itiot PLATINUM, Huston, Arkansas
30 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why are we so angry
why are we so sad
we dont need to stare back
at everything we had

Once upon a time
We thought we all had peace
than we all soon realized that
that this must someday cease
things were just too boring
for us to just sit by
than a little boy came out
and told his only lie
he swore that the first time
would be his very last
but just a little later
it turned into the past
everyone believed him
from the very start
if only we had listened
to the guilty part
and when he had his first kiss
he didn’t really care
when his world fell apart
he still refused to share
the information that would one day
Show him what to do
All he really had to say
is that he loved you

The author's comments:
This is about when I was younger and was scared to show my feelings.
Now when I look back I think I was just shie and because of that missed out on someone from then.

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