G- Force in Effect | Teen Ink

G- Force in Effect

February 7, 2010
By talia_is_happy GOLD, Amarillo, Texas
talia_is_happy GOLD, Amarillo, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who mind- don't matter, and the people who matter- don't mind."
-Dr. Seuss

The chains rattle,
The plastic curves
As I sit
in the old swing.
I push off,
pull in kick out.
I go higher
with each pass.
My stomach stays
up near the branches.
My feet barely
miss the ground.
I twist around
and around.
My stomach goes
the other way.
I laugh,
the giggles rattle
in my tummy,
still apart from me.
I jump,
and my stomach
stays in my
vacant seat.
I laugh again,
the feeling
slowly comeing back
to my body.
To me.

The author's comments:
Something different from me- for me.

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