Photographs 2 | Teen Ink

Photographs 2

February 11, 2010
By Poet_in_Motion PLATINUM, Sharon, Massachusetts
Poet_in_Motion PLATINUM, Sharon, Massachusetts
24 articles 0 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love one another." –George Harrison (his last words)

"and down they forgot as up they grew" –e.e. cummings

"The sea is just a wetter version of the sky..." –Regina Spektor

I will never meet them
So I settle for photographs
surrounding my pallid body
And my pallid life
Photographs of when they were young
See how they smiled
Young, tough, naive boys who just play guitar
and drums
and like to sing
Photographs of when they were older
see how they've painfully changed and aged
over the past six years
I know their history like my own
But I have to settle for photographs
and maybe a worn cloth case of CDs
that skip.

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