Hello. | Teen Ink


June 10, 2010
By SavvyPants SILVER, Roy, Utah
SavvyPants SILVER, Roy, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Basically, I'm for whatever gets you through the night..." Frank Sinatra

It's not about
Being skinny
It's not about
Fitting into that dress
For the dance
It's not about

It might be about
The way you look right
Through me
It might be about
The way I look right
Through me
It might be about

But who knows?

It's probably about
The way I want to break
My own face
With my own knuckles
It's probably about
The way I feel sick
When I see myself
It's probably about
The way I want to reach down
Inside myself
And pull everything up
And out
That makes me hate me
It's probably about

The author's comments:
Frankly speaking; I am utterly and to the bottom of my stomach, sick of poems about Goodbyes.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 7 2012 at 6:47 pm
Gracious PLATINUM, Go Away, Kansas
22 articles 0 photos 66 comments

Favorite Quote:
"life sucks and then you die, yeah, i should be so lucky"

-Jacob, Twilight

I’m still that girl who falls when she runs, Getting back up, because falling is fun.

I used to be a good writer. I used to be able to write down my thoughts and feelings in a way that made sense. I can't anymore, it's been a long time since i've seen me brain down on paper. But this is me, this is my inner workings. It's incredible.

on Nov. 13 2010 at 12:14 pm
beautifuldownfall, Kkk, Iowa
0 articles 0 photos 20 comments
I read "Perfect" first. I didn't comment--it was too perfect. But you hooked me. I'm hooked. I'm reading all your stuff--it's amazing! You have so much talent--keep writing! I loved this! This poem really spoke to me... "The way I want to break / My own face / With my own knuckles / It's probably about / The way I feel sick / When I see myself... / The way I want to reach down / Inside myself / And pull everything up / And out / That makes me hate me...." My thoughts exactly. And you captured them. Please, keep keep keep writing! Frankly, I don't know why more of your poems/stories haven't made it into the magazine. They are all BEAUTIFUL! You are, by far, my favorite writer on here--and I have a lot! :) Great, great job!