monster | Teen Ink


November 27, 2010
By summerdreamer PLATINUM, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
summerdreamer PLATINUM, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
28 articles 15 photos 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Love isn't about loving someone who's perfect, it's about loving someone perfectly."
- I dont know who came up with it, I just saw it somewhere on facebook hehe

She limps through town only as it rains
they say its because then she can cry without publicity
She screams only at night
because then they think its just a nightmare
it is a nightmare...a nightmare she can't awaken from
She sings as an angel only when alone
then no one will ever know
She's a monster
She's a creature
She's a horror movie
She's grotesque
forever her heart shall be left
she's undeniably ugly
yet her soul is blooming with beauty
she is a monster
a monster he makes me

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