you don't know me | Teen Ink

you don't know me

February 16, 2011
By summerdreamer PLATINUM, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
summerdreamer PLATINUM, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
28 articles 15 photos 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Love isn't about loving someone who's perfect, it's about loving someone perfectly."
- I dont know who came up with it, I just saw it somewhere on facebook hehe

my eyes may be dull
my soul luminous
my light may not show through
it shines day and night
my words meaningless
only to your ear

my cries ignored
i meat death on the corner
my smiles grotesque
my frown beautiful
my glare is ice
my heart a fire

you wish me perfect
perfect is an illusion
criticize me again
you'll be brought to conclusion

me violent?
you crudely treat me
I do nothing
you don't watch when I do something

my hugs are frigid
because you never gave me a chance
be happy to touch me
you don't deserve a second chance
I never knew you
so why do you deserve the answer to my chants

oh father come watch
oh father come see
oh father love me
oh father kiss my 2 year old cheek
no was the answer you always gave me
why do you deserve the answer I always seek

oh father come watch
oh father come see
oh father love me
oh father kiss my cold pale cheek
kiss it again as you rock your every mistake back and forth
hold my still body with every no you ever whispered

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