poemm<3 | Teen Ink


March 20, 2011
By autumntate2015 SILVER, Albertville, Alabama
autumntate2015 SILVER, Albertville, Alabama
9 articles 20 photos 45 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Success is a journey, not a destination." -Ben Sweetland

i dont understand it myself
so how could anyone else
i talk and cry
and wonder why
i let you go
its confusing
and its pain
and its a tear of sad rain
from my eyes
nine months of heartache
and people drop by
wondering why do i care so much
why do i hurt so bad
why didnt it kill me like this when i just ignored your texts
i let my ignorance overload my heart's feelings
and now im left like this
nine months of heartache runs down my face
everyone wondering why its killing me now
why i didnt hurt so bad
why i didnt care so much
when you were walking away
but im telling you
its getting to me now
its tearing me down
im crumbling under the
sleepless nights
my restless eyes
wishing they'd see you
just to bring me back to life
its only a matter of time
till i have to let these feelings go
and just move on
im feeling redundant
but its been nine months and i miss you.

The author's comments:
i miss you, so i write.

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