Disappear | Teen Ink


April 30, 2011
By GreenDayFan SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
GreenDayFan SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
7 articles 3 photos 134 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every story has an end, but in life, every ending is just a new beginning."
-Uptown Girls

When you disappear
I choose not to let you go
From this crazy new feeling
That swells in my heart

I will not let you go
Or shed a tear
Knowing you are gone makes me denial
You're not gone

You're not gone
I can't face the thruth
You meant the world to me
Like a sister I never had
Why is this feeling so bad

I guess I have to face the truth
You're gone
I still shed a tear till this very day
Knowing there's an empty space in my heart

You are the only one who can fill that empty space in my heart
Now that you are gone
That empty space will continue to stay that way
For no one can fill that empty space but you
Or share that same connection that we had
I miss it....I miss you...I hope you come back...

R.I.P Scrappy (My beloved dog)

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