Virgin White | Teen Ink

Virgin White

July 10, 2011
By melie BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
melie BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 7 photos 28 comments

She appears before him virgin white,
A canvas to stain,
unleash his disdain,
He, cold as lakes
flights before she wakes,

He readied her to learn,
that the world isn't tender,
didn't break, just bent her,
She appears before him damaged gray,

And no longer virgin white,
She did miss,
what never did exist,
when he held her close and tight,

And in his eyes, the light,
could not have burned most bright,
as he tumbled before her
sickening red

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This article has 2 comments.

gemmaE14 said...
on Jul. 13 2011 at 5:45 pm
I agree, this is really cool. It's descriptive and original. LOVE IT ;)

rps726 said...
on Jul. 13 2011 at 11:27 am
rps726, Massillon, Ohio
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”
― Bob Marley

I never thought you could write poetry like this, it's better than anything I have ever wrote. Really like what the words in the poem meant to me :) was able to connect in a way and once you do that then it's a sucsess for sure in my book. Great job, I love it