Thunderstorms | Teen Ink

Thunderstorms MAG

September 22, 2011
By atemperamentalsun PLATINUM, Nyack, New York
atemperamentalsun PLATINUM, Nyack, New York
32 articles 3 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
Any Bob Dylan quote, really.
Also...."Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you'll start missing everybody."-J.D. Salinger (The Catcher In The Rye)

We sat on the sidewalk in the thunderstorm that day.
It is the only day that I remember being with you,
because fortunately, I have remembered to forget everything else.
Or, I have remembered to want to forget everything else.
Or, I have remembered to try to want to forget everything else.

I remember the lightning as it dripped down our throats.
It never tasted sweeter than on that day.
It almost tasted like
your tears.
And like
the millions of fireflies that lit up your chest,
making your heart look brighter than it really was.

I remember holding the thunder in the palms of our hands,
and I remember pretending that the thunder was your kiss,
because, I really wanted it to be,
and because,
I knew it never could be.

I remember that there was no rain,
and I cried that day because of it.
what was thunder, no matter how soft it was to hold,
and what was lightning, no matter how sweet it was to taste,
without rain?
So then you told me that I was the rain.
It was a lie.
I knew that then, and I know that now.
But today, I would give anything to believe in
Your Lies.

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