A Kind Kill | Teen Ink

A Kind Kill

October 30, 2011
By Alexandrathepoet PLATINUM, Leesville, South Carolina
Alexandrathepoet PLATINUM, Leesville, South Carolina
35 articles 0 photos 119 comments

Favorite Quote:
If nothing else, believe in art.

Love's a sweet poison
a deadly delight
my stomach feel queazy
and the lights seem too bright
my eyelids are heavy
the venom shoots through my veins
I'm gasping for thin air
as my energy drains
my head's throbbing like crazy
my heart beats like a drum
I'm starting to feel dizzy
as my body goes numb
warm sticky liquid
slides down my throat
the world's going black
and I think I could float
it feels like I'm dying
time's at a stand still
my life flashes before me
At least love is a kind kill....

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