I Remember. | Teen Ink

I Remember.

November 27, 2011
By introducingshelby GOLD, San Diego, California
introducingshelby GOLD, San Diego, California
15 articles 1 photo 139 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they go right, and things fall apart so better things can fall together."
-Marilyn Monroe

It’s 12:22, right about the time you said goodnight,
I think it was a Saturday, correct me if I’m not right.
You said that you loved me, or something along those lines
But I wasn’t quite sure about what I was getting into at the time.

As the waves crashed outside from below,
And through the phone, I could almost hear your voice flow.
I tucked a tiny dimpled-smile into my pocket
And with my heart, I was naïve and unlocked it.

Let’s just say, you won the race this time around,
Trampled all over my beating heart, here’s to the King and his crown.

So there’s nothing quite, really to do
But stare up at my twirling cranes and wish I could twirl, too.

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