Hard to Swallow | Teen Ink

Hard to Swallow

November 27, 2011
By Alexandrathepoet PLATINUM, Leesville, South Carolina
Alexandrathepoet PLATINUM, Leesville, South Carolina
35 articles 0 photos 119 comments

Favorite Quote:
If nothing else, believe in art.

Why should I have to fake a smile,
just to keep you from feeling uncomfortable?
And for once can I just break down and cry,
instead of acting unbreakable?
The lumps in my throat are getting harder to swallow,
these tears are getting harder to hide,
and with these lumps in my throat, I just don't know,
If I'll be able to swallow my pride.
I keep everything to myself,
all the emotions I've never showed.
And now everything's bottled up so tight,
If I even loosened the cap, I'd explode.
I trust you enough to tell you everything,
it's just that I don't know how,
I have no qualms with bearing my soul to you,
that's just something my soul would never allow.

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