The First Time | Teen Ink

The First Time

April 25, 2012
By krarthurs SILVER, Plymouth, Massachusetts
krarthurs SILVER, Plymouth, Massachusetts
9 articles 3 photos 87 comments

Favorite Quote:
All generous minds have a horror of what are commonly called "Facts". They are the brute beasts of the intellectual domain.
-Thomas Hobbes

The first time was nothing,
and I did it in a junk car.

Faced with expectations and requirements,
and anxious regarding the performance,
fear was evident when the time came.
Getting inside proved to be a great effort,
and focusing neared an impossibility.
I struggled to maintain control,
moved at a neutral pace,
and gained speed as my confidence grew.

Tremendous support graced me,
mainly from my mother,
who told me to face my fears,
and offered her presence when the time came.
Her encouragement never faltered,
and she coached me through the ordeal,
making the first time easy.

She embraced me when it was over,
and shook all of my nerves away.
Never had I imagined,
I would be able to drive a stick shift.

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